Kauris Consulting offers coaching and mentoring to support you in your personal growth and in identifying and reaching your goals.
I am certified Business and Life Coach ( LCAF Certified Coach ®) with over 30 years of working experience. I have been working in global companies in several different positions including sourcing, competence development, quality and environmental management systems (ISO) and LEAN Manufacturing gaining experience on leading change, developing processes and managing programs and projects .
Coaching is a very powerful method for personal development and I would be delighted to work with you in supporting you in identifying and taking the steps towards your goals.
As your mentor, I can share with you my experiences and at the same time providing for you the room for your reflections and your insights. Typically the goal in mentoring is related to your career, studies and/or current work assignment.
Both coaching and mentoring is based on strict confidentiality which is essential to guarantee for you a safe space for open dialog with your coach/mentor.
Together, we can identify which service would best serve your needs.
I am based in Finland, town called Pirkkala. Coaching and mentoring can be provided personally in a meeting or virtually over phone or with online tools ( for example Zoom).